The most comprehensive program for creating, launching, and growing your membership practice. 

The newly updated program is the only step-by-step approach that will help you go from feeling confused and overwhelmed to feeling confident in your ability to implement all of the practice management, clinical, and legal aspects in an organized way. You'll have confidence in your ability to attract and retain patients that you enjoy working with, all the while enjoying the peace and profit that a heart-led, efficient practice can bring. 


I'm Ready!

Before I tell you all about this program, let's make sure you're a good fit. 

You are right for The Origins Incubator Mentorship Program if you want to create a practice that is in alignment with your unique philosophy of healing, and get great results with patients in an environment that is supportive for both of you.  And finally build a legacy of your own.

The Origins Incubator Mentorship is right for you if you want to build a business that allows you to LOVE your schedule again because you've designed your work week and calendar year so you can work when you want, where you want, while enjoying a dependable, generous revenue. 


If you are...

  1. A physician working for a hospital or large group (with the heart of a physician-preneur) ready to create a practice that is in alignment with your heart and values. 
  2. A practice owner who's been in the trenches with less than ideal results to show for all your hard work and dedication. And you're looking to streamline, organize and level up your processes so you can have more bandwidth for yourself and your patients. 
  3. Newer to the integrative medicine world and are completely invigorated by the thought of what medicine could be and would like to start putting your ideas together with other like minded colleagues so when you are ready to launch your practice, you are setting yourself up for complete success. 

You're in the right place!

The Origins Incubator Mentorship will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support to create and launch a profitable practice that is healing for your patients, fulfilling for you and financially sound for your loved ones. 

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  1. Created your membership practice and offer

    based on your unique clinical experience that your patients will gladly pay for. 
  2. Established the critical legal, business and financial foundations

    in a step-by-step format so you won't lose sleep wondering if your business plan is secure. 
  3. Created a clear onboarding process for your patients

    based on a proven framework so working with you is the next logical step for them, as opposed to "selling" your services. 
  4. Developed marketing strategies to grow and scale your practice

    without having to constantly write blogs or create social media content, you'll focus on what works and speak directly to your ideal patient. 
  5. Crafted a website that educates, pre-qualifies and funnels patients into your practice

    so that your patients understand how your practice works and are ready to move forward when they call your office. 
  6. Confidently created treatment approaches that you feel comfortable executing 

    supported by our comprehensive and unique clinical curriculum and case study reviews.

But above all else...

the Origins Incubator Mentorship will give you the confidence to finally generate consistent, scalable revenue and make the lucrative leap from rudderless servant to confident practice owner, giving yourself the freedom to choose who you work with and what you focus on.

"The Incubator has made a measurable difference in my success because I have all the answers I need and it takes me through the whole journey in a very structured way. It's an actionable program which provides tried and true support for all aspects of the practice. 

I have so much gratitude for all the work that you've done."

Huma Ali, MD

Plain and Simple: the Origins Incubator Mentorship 

Changes Lives and It's Officially OPEN for Early Enrollment

Early Enrollment is Limited to the FIRST 15 STUDENTS. Book a call now and save 10% off!

The 2024 Incubator Cohort is limited to 35 students total. 

Schedule a Call with Linda to discuss your unique situation

Book Now
"Incubator has been delivering and helping me get my practice off to a smooth start. It's 100% worth it!"
 - Lindsey Clancey, MD, Kansas


"I am so thankful for this program and support. It was exactly what I needed (and didn't know even know I needed) to start my dreams of owning a sustainable practice while having a family. I am forever grateful for this Incubator program." 
 - Mackenzie Jones, Florida


I never would have made the change to a membership model without their guidance and support.

It  has given me the tools and confidence to run my business using the membership model.

- Jennifer Engels, MD, Pennsylvania


What’s Inside  

The Origins Incubator Mentorship 


Module 1

Practice Creation - Zero to Launch 

In this module, we will take you through the step by step process of how to conceptualize, outline, create and launch your membership. We give you our proven foundational structure, and you make it your own based on your own experience, values and desires.  This module contains 15 lessons, and we give you the complete roadmap, with videos, workbooks and all of our templates and copy that I used in my practice. You just need to put your blinders on, and complete the tasks for each week; by lesson 15, your entire practice  will be built with all of the internal processes in place.

Module Highlights:

  • Create your core messaging and offer 
  • Structure your membership with lead in appointments 
  • Create your internal standard operating procedures so you can easily hire and manage staff and contractors (we give you ours so you can edit it directly)
  • Decide on pricing based on our unique formulation so you know how much you need to work, how many patient contact hours you need and ultimately how many members you'll need to cover your costs, save for retirement and pay yourself
  • Craft your website using our Kajabi website template so your patients are prequalified and pre-educated
  • Design your grassroots marketing campaign complete with community outreach
  • Use our unique process of creating emails, blogs, social media and newsletters to cut your admin time in half, if not more
Module 2

Legal & Business Foundations

There are so many small pieces that need to be in order to build a successful practice. Most of which you would never know unless you've already been through the process. That's why we've created a very clear system of ensuring you have all your legal and business foundations completed.  And it's our style to build and go in the order that makes most sense as you creatively build your practice. We've created the roadmap, you just have to execute!

Module Highlights:

  • Have access to and edit over 50 firm-quality legal templates and documents that you'll need to secure your practice. Then have them reviewed by your in-state attorney and save thousands. ($20,000 value right here)
  • Create your business foundations including financial and legal best practices. 
  • Learn how to use the principles of Profit First to ensure the cash flow into your practice is organized in order to improve financial stability. 
  • Learn about the foundational legal contracts necessary for every practice. 
  • Learn Telemedicine rules and standards of care. 
  • Get your EMR and  Supplement store set up complete with chart parts and protocols. 
  • Learn how to implement the HIPPA manual, employment manual and supplement disclosure 
Module 3

Clinical : A Comprehensive Education & Support for the Clinician 

Our clinical support is comprehensive and unique. It meets the needs of the newer integrative physician as well as supportive of the practitioner who has been practicing for years.  Not only will you receive a 300+ book compendium which discusses the workup and treatment of over 50 conditions, but you'll also receive over 125 protocols to help get you unstuck when you need a little extra support. This is in addition to weekly live case study review so you can learn from Dr. Burdette as well as each other, you'll never feel like you're alone with a difficult case again. 

Module Highlights:

  • In the first weeks we will dig into the principles of integrative and functional medicine and you'll learn a manageable amount of processes to examine the patient through, you will quickly be able to individualize in an evidenced based approach.
  •  Much like Baskin Robbins with 31 flavors, but 29,791 combinations, when you master the foundation, you will learn how to put together treatment plans in various ways drastically improving the individualization of care without being overwhelming.

  • Learn how core nutrients that the body needs have wide application from system to system, and how they build a foundation in many areas.
  • When a complex patient comes in with 30-40 symptoms, this in no way means they need 30-40 treatments. We will look at the interconnections in the body, and how one system relates to another, allowing a handful of treatments to address many needs. This results in a treatment plan that achievable by the patient to further compound success.
  • Understand methods to improve the well-being of the patient, not just treating a diagnosis, is imperative to optimal wellness.
  • Learn the strategies that boost weight loss, exercise efficiency, improved sleep, and stress management.
  • Understand more complex systems such as the cardiometabolic continuum, immune health and various common infections, hormone management, and pediatric concerns. 

When you enroll during this special, limited time period,

you’ll get:


Advanced Marketing for the Integrative Practice
(A $5,000 Value)


  • 10 Modules

    We take you through the step by step process, complete with editable templates of creating an unstoppable funnel of patients ready to put in the work to truly heal. 

  • Create 6 Months of Social Media Content

    Learn how to record, batch, outline and create content so that you aren't in "creation mode" daily.
  • Learn How to Create and Engage With Your Email List Consistently

    Learn how to write meaningful content for potential patients so they are ready to move forward and work with you. 
  • Create, Market & Launch Your First Webinar 

    Whether you want to work across broader geographical areas, or promote a new course, we have a complete A-Z Kajabi template for creating, promoting and executing a webinar. 
  • Learn How to Give Back to Your Community in an Authentic and Meaningful Way

    One thing I love about our community is that almost every single physician articulates a desire to give back to their community. We discuss in detail how you may go about this so you can execute when you are ready.

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum!!! 


Bonus 1

Goal Setting & Getting It Done

Learn how to organize your schedule and time so your work gets done and relaxation actually feels relaxing! You'll never beat yourself up over half finished projects again using this tested system. 


What You’ll Get:

 A complete guide for how to break apart large projects into doable, daily tasks so you don't ever feel overwhelmed. 

Bonus 2

Done-For-You Website, Webinar & Funnel Template

Tech can be overwhelming, expensive and frustrating. We have created templates for all of the foundational tech needs you may have so that you can just add your own unique copy, colors, logo and graphics and push "publish". This will save you tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of learning. 

What You’ll Get:

  • Website template complete with 10 landing pages
  • Webinar template slide deck
  • Sales and confirmation template pages
Bonus 3

Internal Swipe Copy & EMR Chart Parts

Creating systems and processes are the backbone of your business and when done correctly, creates an environment where you have bandwidth to see patients and do more of what you love. That's why we've given you every single email, chart part, community talk, member talk and tracking sheet we have personally used to create an efficiently running practice. 


What You’ll Get:

If we've created it and used it in our practice, you have it here. We mean everything. 

  • Chart part protocols, patient communication and note templates
  • Education series: 3 community talks and 3 membership talks for you to edit
  • Financial tracking spreadsheets and patient tracking sheets

Here’s what you’re getting when you join the

Origins Incubator Mentorship:

  • Social Media and Email List Content Production System 
  • Goal Setting & Getting It Done Bonus (to save you hours in your calendar every week)
  • Kajabi Website, Webinar Funnel, and Lead Magnet Funnel Template
  • Internal Swipe Copy & EMR Chart Parts 
  • PLUS 3 separate weekly live group calls with Dr. Matteoli, Dr. Burdette and Scott Rattigan, JD AND 4 individual calls AND live phone support 16 hours per week (just call us with a question that popped up).  
  • An active and supportive community of physicians building their practices and offering loving accountability and support. 
  •  A proven system that you can follow and adapt to match your own style and your unique gifts.


Schedule a Call with Linda to discuss your unique situation

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Burning Questions Your Fellow Colleagues Asked Before Enrolling

Schedule a call to see how 

The Origins Incubator Mentorship 

can help you reach your goals

Schedule a Call with Linda to discuss your unique situation

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If you're thinking "this sounds amazing but I'm still not 100% sure, keep reading...


You’re ready to create the practice you've always wanted. A place where the physician/patient relationship is preserved while you are living a balanced life IF...

  1. You want to regain control of how you practice medicine. You're ready to have your life back.  Whether you are currently working for a large group, or have your own practice and you're feeling burnt out. You know you don't have the time, autonomy or financial freedom to feel fulfilled and satisfied.  More importantly, you're ready to stop repeating the internal mantra "I wish I could spend more time with you" (this could be your patients, your family, your friends, or even yourself). You're ready to step back into the drivers seat of your life.  
  2. You're ready to fix it once and for all, and you're not afraid of putting in the work. You now understand that when it comes to learning functional medicine, the barriers to entry are low, but the barriers to success are high. Everywhere you turn there's a certification, module, mentor or workshop on how to practice medicine. But what about the business of medicine? There are far fewer successful physicians in this space than those that are talented in the practice of medicine. This challenge doesn't scare you, it lights you up. You have the opportunity to have the COMPLETE step-by-step that gives you the biggest advantage in creating a successful practice. But above all else, you are ready, willing and excited to roll up your sleeves and start taking action. This course was made for you. 
  3. You recognize there is no "perfect time" and there will never be a time when you are not busy. Waiting is not the answer. This doesn't mean you don't get a little nervous when you finally commit and enroll. This also doesn't mean that feeling a little scared about investing so much time, energy and money into the future you desire isn't completely normal. (I'd feel worried if you didn't pause and feel scared about it). But what I do know, is that just because something makes you nervous, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. It typically means you're onto something big, and you'll experience substantial growth in the process. It just means that you move from "one day" to "DAY ONE" the instant you decide. If there was ever a right time, it would be now. It's just a choice, your choice. 

I can’t wait for you to join The Origins Incubator Mentorship Program. 

Like many of you, I felt like I didn't have a choice. Once my eyes were opened to what personalized, precision and functional medicine could do for a patient, I felt like I couldn't go back to my conventional medicine job.

I couldn't live in that space of being completely out of alignment with what I knew in my heart was right, and what I was being asked to do everyday in my job.

So I left, hung a shingle and started my practice. What happened in the following few years was a lot of heartbreak, wasted money, late nights and hard earned lessons. But eventually we figured it out. And we kept going. And I have the opportunity to experience time and financial freedom, while impacting patients in ways I'd never dreamed of. 

While always doing it my way, creating my own legacy.

I cannot wait to see what each of you create and do with this program.

Our mission is to empower physicians to take control of their lives and practice, and preserve the sacred physician/patient relationship. You have so much to offer, in your own way, based on your unique talents and experience.

My hope is that this program is a spring board, a lift off for you to create and grow and continue to impact lives like only you can.

ALL my best, 


Book a Call to Learn More and Apply to The Origins Incubator Mentorship Today

Schedule a Call with Linda to discuss your unique situation

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