Making Magnesium Make Sense

magnesium nutrition patient care patient individulization Feb 20, 2024


Today we delve into the realm of nutritional wisdom with Dr. Cheryl Burdette, our Educational Director for Origins Incubator. Dr. Burdette sheds light on the crucial role of magnesium in our well-being, particularly in times of stress. Join her in this blog as she explores the intricate mechanisms that connect stress, magnesium, and our overall health...

The Magnesium Dilemma

In my constant interactions with patients, there's one message that always takes center stage - the importance of nutrition, and more specifically, magnesium. Let's explore together why magnesium is a game-changer in maintaining our health, particularly when stress comes into play.

Mechanism of Action

Stress and magnesium are intricately connected, and I want to walk you through the fascinating mechanism of action. Stress not only makes our bodies utilize more magnesium but also leads to an increased loss of this essential mineral. In our clinical classroom, we broke down these mechanisms, shared graphs for clarity, and created handouts to help patients grasp the importance of magnesium in managing stress.

Intricacies of Magnesium Movement

One key aspect we discussed is the migration of magnesium from intracellular to extracellular spaces when our bodies are in an excited state. This movement aims to calm down neurons but ironically contributes to heightened urinary excretion. As we navigate this cycle, it becomes clear that stress not only depletes magnesium but also demands more of it, creating a delicate balance we must understand.

Impact on Neurotransmitters

Magnesium deficiency isn't just a physical concern; it messes with our mental well-being too. Low magnesium levels decrease serotonin and GABA receptors while increasing NMDA receptors, intensifying discomfort and pain. It's a reminder that our nutritional choices play a significant role in our overall mental health.

Stress Response and Resource Depletion

Stress triggers a cascade of hormones - epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisol - putting our bodies in a state of resource depletion. Combined with the increased need for magnesium, this manifests in symptoms like fatigue, irritability, anxiety, headaches, and digestive disturbances. Recognizing these symptoms as potential indicators of magnesium deficiency is crucial, urging us to rethink our nutritional strategies during stressful times.


In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, I encourage you to consider the delicate dance between stress and magnesium. Recognize the importance of magnesium supplementation, especially when navigating through the storms of heightened stress. Our bodies are resilient, and by nourishing them with the right nutrients, we unlock the key to a harmonious and thriving well-being.

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